Photo: Saga Hindmarsh

Iā€™m an art curator and journalist based in London dedicated to bringing stories to life through art, design, sound and live performance.

I am currently working as a curator for Artiq, the international art agency that connects clients with the cultural word, curates collections and experiences, and guarantees fair pay for artists.

In 2021, I graduated Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London with a First Class Honours in BA Culture, Criticism and Curation, following a foundation in Literary and Cultural Analysis at the University of Amsterdam 2017-18.

Between 2021-23, I worked as a client manager at Design Bridge and Partners, and a reporter and producer for BBC Radio Guernsey.

My portfolio also includes working independently with a range of clients including artists, authors, consultants, companies and arts organisations, offering them services in art and digital curation, video production, project management, live performance, branding, media and design consultancy.

I am fascinated with the potential of art to engage audiences and change minds. My research to date delves into the contradictions and complexities around language, representation, identity, memory and heritage, amongst other things, and how the narrative forms of theatre, exhibition and audio provide us with a tools to unlock a nuanced conversation that can inspire or even effect change.

In a world saturated in spectacle, click bait and hot takes, art has the capacity to elevate us beyond the superficial, engage our imagination, and engender critical thought and debate. It can be an oil well of understanding of the human identity that has the power to elicit empathy and encourage us to embrace difference. I am interested in how artists, curators and theatre makers can harness this potential and create art that stimulates the senses, ignites the imagination, and demands we think critically about the world we inhabit.


Interested in collaborating? Reach out here.